Mar 08 2011
Katherine Scrimshaw
Peppermint has been promoted as helpful for gastrointestinal problems
for centuries. In fact, physician and apothecary Nicholas Culpeper,
wrote in 1653 that "mint is very profitable to the stomach."
Unfortunately today the benefits are not quite that clear cut. For some
conditions mint is indeed helpful but for others it can exacerbate the
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
A meta-analysis of the existing research data up to 2007 conducted by
Dr. Alex Ford of McMaster University showed peppermint oil to be an
effective treatment for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Peppermint’s
beneficial effects were particularly pronounced in children, who showed
the strongest benefits from the treatment. There have been no studies to
date however, on children younger than eight.
It is important to note that all of the studies included in this
analysis used peppermint oil in enteric coated capsules. Peppermint tea
or candies are unlikely to produce the same reduction in symptoms since
the peppermint’s antispasmodic properties will work on the stomach
rather than targeting the intestinal muscles which are the source of the
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Heartburn and Indigestion
Although the menthol in peppermint increases the flow of bile and may
in that way aid in digestion it can also cause heartburn. The relaxant
properties of peppermint which make it so effective for IBS also act on
the sphincter that keeps the food you swallow in your stomach and
prevents stomach acids from entering the esophagus. For this reason
people who suffer from either gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or a
hiatal hernia are advised to avoid peppermint. The menthol content in
peppermint tea is much reduced and there is anecdotal evidence that it
may help with occasional heartburn, for those without these conditions
however, there are as yet no studies to support this.
Gas Pains and Bloating
Anyone suffering frequent gas pains and bloating should consult a
physician but for occasional bouts brought on by overeating or greasy
food peppermint oil can relax the intestinal muscles and allow gas to
pass through and be more easily eliminated. As with treating IBS enteric
coated capsules prove to be the most effective since the capsules pass
through the stomach intact so that the intestines receive the full
Unfortunately there has not been enough research into peppermint as a treatment for nausea to make any conclusions.
Peppermint can interfere with some drugs, increasing how quickly they
are broken down by the liver. If you are taking any other medication,
check with your doctor before taking therapeutic doses of peppermint
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for
educational purposes only and should not be used for diagnosis or to
guide treatment without the opinion of a health professional. Any reader
who is concerned about his or her health should contact a doctor for
Meyler's Side Effects of Herbal Medicines by Jeffrey K. Aronson (Elsevier Science: 2008)
Culpeper’s Complete Herbal, (Wordsworth Editions Ltd.:1995)